4 Important Types of Evidence Needed Following a Car Accident
When you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, it can be easy to become rattled. The adrenaline that comes along with a crash can result in you completely forgetting what you should do next. That is why we have taken the time to list out what important information you should collect at any scene involving your vehicle. Here are 4 important types of evidence needed following a car accident:
1. Photographs of the Accident
As long as you are not severely injured as a result of the crash, one of the first things you will want to do is begin collecting evidence from the scene. Most of the time, the best way to do this is by taking photos. Whether you have a camera on hand or you have to take pictures on your cell phone, some evidence is better than none. You will want to document the accident from all directions, getting both close-up shots and some that are from a further distance. If either vehicle left skid marks on the road, it is important to document those as well as numerous pictures of the damages to both vehicles.
2. Contact Information of Drivers and Witnesses
This part of the car accident process is crucial. Upon exiting your vehicle, be sure one of the first things you do is get the information of any other driver that was involved in the crash. The worst thing possible is for the responsible party to get away without identifying themselves. You can get the information you need from the driver’s license. If they claim to not have a license on them, get their license plate number and their name and address. Also, if there were any neutral parties that witnessed the accident, you can also collect their name, address, and phone number.
3. Police Reports and Official Reports
If you need to file a claim against another party in an accident, one of the first things a judge will want to see is the police report. Even if the damage to your vehicle is minor, it is always important to contact the police so they can fill out a report on the accident. This report will be filed as a public record in the state. You can then go down to the police station and get a copy of the police report to use in a court proceeding. In most cases, the police report will list who the officer believes to be at fault for the accident.
4. Documentation of Injuries
Before you even begin to worry about property damage, it is important to check all those involved in the accident for injuries. If you find visible injuries to yourself, be sure to document those as soon as possible. If you require medical attention, the EMTs on site will also make note of any injuries that are sustained as a result of the crash. It is always a good idea to take an ambulance from the scene to the ER if you think you are injured. In the following days, be sure to keep track of any new injuries that arise and always get prompt follow-up care, after your initial ER visit, if you are still experiencing any pain or other symptoms.
Have you or a loved one been involved in a car accident and you aren’t sure what to do next? Contact our East Tennessee law office today for a free consultation and let us help you receive the compensation you are entitled to.