‘The Chuck Norris of the lawyer world’ to host comedy event
Knoxville lawyer Stephen A. Burroughs — known as The Chuck Norris of the lawyer world because of his unflappable hair and thick facial hair featured on local bus ads — will be host a comedy event to raise money to fight Chiari Malformation, a serious neurological disorder that requires invasive surgery to correct. Post surgery scarring resembles a zipper, affectionately nicknaming those with the scars “Zipperheads.” The show is at 7 p.m. Sunday at Sidesplitters.
Cocktails are at 5 p.m. Admission is $12.
Conquer Chiari is behind the event. It is a foundation near and dear to event organizer Octvaius (JD Howard) as his daughter was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation. This diagnosis lead to an invasive surgery for his daughter from which she has since recovered.
The bill includes M.L.C Comics Sandy Goddrda, Alex Stokes, and Jay Pinkerton. Coley O’Dell, Erin Donovan of WBIR, Octavius of WIMZ, Scott Bohannon, Oz, Taz Cable of SMOMOTV, and 2011’s Host with the Most, Mike Howard of WNOX, will also be bringing some funny to the stage. has agreed to lend his time to the event and will be hosting the show.
A silent auction prior to the show and post show entertainment will be provided by DJ Hal Kinney from Good Sounds Entertainment.
More information regarding Chiari Conquers can be found at ConquerChiari.org.
Original article.