4 Types of Compensation Typically Awarded in Drunk Driving Accidents
Anytime you are injured in a car crash, you want to be fully compensated for your property and injuries. Unlike a typical fender bender, there are some more strict rules when someone has broken a law, such as not having insurance or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the accident. If you are involved in a crash with an impaired driver, there are a few things that you can be compensated for. Here are 4 types of compensation typically awarded in drunk driving accidents:
1. Medical Expenses
In some cases, accidents involving drunk drivers result in very serious injuries because the responsible party has little control over their actions. If you have been injured by a drunk driver, you are entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, which can include both medical care on the scene and follow-up visits as a result of your injuries. There are many times when you might have to stay in the hospital as well for multiple days, and insurance may not cover the full extent of your medical bills.
2. Payment for Lost Wages
If you are forced to miss an extended period of work while you are recovering from your injuries, the drunk driver can be held responsible for paying your lost wages. This can go a long way in helping you recover because many people can’t afford to miss an extended period of work while not getting paid. Instead of being forced to work through your injuries, you can take the proper amount of time recommended by your doctor to heal from your injuries.
3. Pain and Suffering
As you know if you have ever been involved in a car accident, there are always some mental challenges for days or even weeks later. These feelings only intensify when you are injured by a drunk driver in an unavoidable situation. Many people also suffer feelings of anxiety and depression when they are unable to perform their daily routines, which might be the case when you are forced to recuperate from any injuries sustained during the crash. Luckily, the law allows individuals to be compensated for pain and suffering, which can apply to drunk driving accidents.
4. Repairs of Property
As with any car accident, you are also entitled to repairs of your personal property that is damaged, including your vehicle. If the responsible party is uninsured, or the policy doesn’t cover the total repair of your car, then you can file a suit for the remainder of the money. In addition, drunk drivers can also be sued for punitive damages, which go beyond cost and compensation for direct losses. These damages are meant to punish the wrongdoer and awards for DUI cases can be significant.
Have you suffered injuries as a result of a drunk driving accident? Contact our law office today and let our experienced team fight for your rights. We will set you up with a free consultation with one of our lawyers who will take the time to gather all the facts about your case.