
boating accident

5 Things to Know About Boating Accident Lawsuits

Boating accidents can result in serious injuries or even death, and you may find yourself in this unfortunate position. If you are injured in a boating accident, you may be able to file a personal injury claim against the liable party to receive compensation. Here are 5 things you need to know about boating accident lawsuits:

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boating accident

4 Safety Tips to Avoid a Boating Accident This Summer

The weather is nice, and there is no better place to be than on the water. Spending a day on the boat is a fun way to kick back with your family and friends. However, each year thousands of people are injured on the water. Accidents can occur in a multitude of ways, so it’s important to know how to try and avoid these disastrous situations. Here are 4 safety tips to avoid a boating accident this summer:

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construction accident

4 Common Accidents That Can Lead to Traumatic Brain Injuries

The human brain is a very sensitive area when it comes to injury. An injury to the brain can occur without any physical trauma to the head. That is why it is important to be aware of the symptoms of brain injury, which can include depression, balance problems, fatigue, dizziness, and memory loss. There are many things that can lead to these types of injuries, but some things are more prevalent factors than others. Here are 4 common accidents that can lead to traumatic brain injuries:

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Leg Injury

10 Common Types of Construction Site Accidents

Construction is one of the most dangerous professions when it comes to on-site job injuries. The jobs are typically physical and require workers to use heavy-duty equipment that could be dangerous, especially if used improperly. We want construction workers to be safe at their jobs, but errors do occur, so you need to be aware of the dangers that do exist and how a construction accident lawyer can help you. Here are 10 common types of construction site accidents:

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scary dog

What to Do After a Dog Bite: Top 4 Steps to Take

Dog attacks are more common than you might think. According to research done by the CDC, 4.7 million people are bitten each year in the United States. Of those, more than 800,000 require some type of medical attention. These attacks can be frightening for victims, and can leave them both injured and traumatized. If you or a loved one are wondering what to do after a dog bite, our lawyers can help you through the process. Here are 4 steps to take if you have been bitten by a dog:

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semi truck accident

4 Things to Do if You Are Involved in a Trucking Accident

Did you know that every 16 minutes a person in the United States will die or be injured in a wreck that involves a large truck? This includes any vehicle that weighs over 10,000 pounds, but most of the time it involves a tractor trailer or semi-truck. Because of the size of these vehicles, it is much more likely for someone to be injured in these accidents. Here are 4 things to do if you are involved in a trucking accident:

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person signing a personal injury settlement release form

How Are Personal Injury Settlements Paid Out?

When someone files a personal injury claim, the end goal is to receive compensation for your injuries you sustained during an accident. Most of the time, attorneys negotiate with insurance companies and come to an agreement on how much settlement they will pay. A common misconception about personal injury cases are that they are over once a settlement agreement is in place, but once an amount is agreed upon, the money must be paid out. Keep reading to learn the answer to “how are personal injury settlements paid out.

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construction site accident

How a Construction Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Any serious injury can rack up medical bills and financial issues, and if you work in construction, you are more likely to be injured on the job. Even visitors on construction sites can get hurt, and it could result in serious injuries. You may be considering contacting a construction accident attorney, but you aren’t sure how they would be able to help you. Keep reading to learn more about how a construction accident lawyer can help you.

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bad faith insurance

5 Warning Signs of Bad Faith Insurance

When you sign up for insurance, whether it’s for your car, home, or another type, you expect the insurance company to help when you need to use your policy. Legally, insurance companies are required to act in good faith with their customers, meaning they must treat their clients fairly and honestly. However, some insurance companies act in bad faith to protect their profits instead of their clients, meaning they are not following the laws of the state nor are they treating their clients fairly. To determine if your insurance company is acting in bad faith, you should know about some of the tactics they might use. Here are 5 warning signs of bad faith insurance:

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stethoscope and gavel

7 Types of Intentional Tort Personal Injury Cases

You may know what types of accidents are included in personal injury claims, but you may have never heard of intentional torts. These occur when someone’s intentional actions cause harm to another person. While most personal injury cases are based on negligence, these types of cases are not caused by accidents but by an act done on purpose. Keep reading to learn about 7 types of intentional tort personal injury cases:

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drunk driving

What is Driving Under the Influence?

Car accidents that result in injuries can be caused by a variety of issues, and one of the most common is driving while under the influence. We’ve all heard of driving under the influence, but what does it really mean? Keep reading to learn the answer to “what is driving under the influence?” and how it affects a personal injury claim.

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