Why You Should Act Fast After a Motor Vehicle Accident
If you have ever been involved in a car accident, you know the result doesn’t end quickly. Once the claims are filed into insurance, it will likely be weeks or even months before you receive any type of compensation. If you have been injured in the wreck, it is crucial to promptly seek medical treatment and contact a lawyer as soon as possible to get the process started to get your life back on track. Here are 4 reasons why you should act fast after a motor vehicle accident:
1. Statute of Limitations
From a legal standpoint, the statute of limitations in Tennessee for a car accident is one year from the date of the incident. While this is the final deadline, you do not want to wait anywhere near this amount of time before starting your case. In fact, the sooner you reach out to an attorney, the more effective your case will be. No matter what the statute of limitations is, the sooner you call us, the faster we can start investigating your case.
2. Evidence Goes Away
The longer you wait after an accident to file a claim, the harder it is to go back and find the evidence that you may need. If there were witnesses on the scene that could help your case, you will want to get them involved as soon as possible so they don’t move or change their contact information. In addition, evidence that may be sitting at the police station can easily disappear the longer you wait. Whether it be 911 tapes or cruiser videos, those types of evidence don’t last forever.
3. Memories Fade and Stories Change
If you have been in a motor vehicle accident before, you know how traumatizing it can be. For the first few days after the crash, the moment plays back over and over in your head. While you may not want to think about it, your memory of the accident is fresh. You will remember every detail of what happened and you will be able to account for exactly what happened. However, in the following weeks and months, you get busy doing other things and you may not remember all the smaller details. That is why it is crucial to act as soon as possible after a crash.
4. Time-Consuming Process
As we mentioned earlier, it may take some time to work through all the details of your case and get all the paperwork squared away. Therefore, the sooner you act, the sooner we can ensure you get the proper compensation. If you were injured in the crash, chances are you will have medical bills that are waiting to be paid. Instead of having to fight with the doctor’s office about waiting to pay, you can get the process started for financial compensation. After all, the last thing you want is to be held responsible for paying for your injuries that you weren’t at fault for.
Have you or a loved one been injured in a motor vehicle accident recently? Contact our law office today so we can help you get through the entire process!