CureSearch Walk for Children’s Cancer
On September 29, 2012, the Law Office of Stephen A. Burroughs will participate in a Knoxville fundraising event known as CureSearch Walk for Children’s Cancer. This is just one way that we demonstrate our dedication to give back to the community that supports us.
Knoxville charity is close to our hearts, and we are proud to take part in this effort to raise money for children’s cancer research.
I need your help to make as much of an impact as possible. Join my team, and register as an individual; or donate to this program on my behalf. We look forward to having as many participants on the team as possible. Spread the word of this effort through your social networks and by word of mouth to help us make an incredible impact on this worthwhile effort to support a Knoxville fundraising effort.
I am confident that we can and will defeat children’s cancer.